The work of the ALIRP is accomplished primarily through the work of eight committees including The Executive and Finance Committee, and seven Advisory Committees (Communication, Development / Fundraising, Outreach, Direct Support, Volunteer Engagement, Education, and Advocacy). The Board of Directors Finance Committee has authority to make decisions about matters related to finance, and includes at least three Board members. Each Advisory Committee includes at least one member of the ALIRP Board of Directors as Chair or Co-Chair, and additional volunteers, former board members, and student interns.
Divya Annamalai, ALIRP Secretary and Chair of Communications
Cindy Dawson, Chair of Volunteer Committee
Jonathan Diaz, Co-Chair of Direct Support
Bola Fenny, Co Chair of Education and Advocacy
Adam Oliver, Co-Chair of Development and Fundraising
Jane Vines, Co-Chair of Education and Advocacy
Edna Vázquez, Co-Chair of Direct Support
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ALIRP is seeking 6 ‘At-large’ Board Members and a Secretary to serve with the Executive Committee and to join their Board of Directors in January 2025 for a two-year term. For the past 5 years, ALIRP has been served by a ‘working board’ and is transitioning the leadership to a 'governing board.' For any additional inquiries, email the Board President, Meredith Gartin at [email protected].